Mission Statement:

At Positiviti Lending, we're dedicated to our borrower-lender relationship at a peer-to-peer level. We strive to empower individuals and small businesses with accessible, secure, and affordable micro-lending solutions. Our advanced technology simplifies the application process for borrowers while offering our lender members an avenue to shape their future through lending. We bridge financial gaps for borrowers, ensuring significant returns for our members. We prioritize fair terms, fostering clear communication from pre-application to repayment for our borrowers and ensuring transparency for all parties involved. With expertise in credit risk management and micro-lending, we blend modernized solutions with traditional principles, paving the way for innovative approaches.

Vision Statement:

Our vision at Positiviti Lending is to be a catalyst for sustainable change, where every Kenyan with a dream and determination can access the financial resources and guidance needed to thrive. We strive to create a future where our microloans pave the way for stronger, self-sustaining communities, igniting a ripple effect of positive impact across Kenya and beyond.

Core Values:

  • Empowerment: We believe in the power of financial empowerment to transform lives. We are committed to providing opportunities that enable individuals to build brighter futures for themselves and their communities.
  • Responsible Stewardship: We take our role as custodians of capital seriously. We are dedicated to responsible lending practices, ensuring that every dollar lended generates meaningful social and economic returns.
  • Innovation: We embrace innovation in all aspects of our business, continually seeking new ways to enhance the accessibility and impact of our microloans while maintaining the highest standards of security and efficiency.
  • Collaboration: We believe in the strength of partnerships and alliances. We actively engage with local organizations, communities, and investors in North America to bridge the gap between capital and opportunities in Kenya.
  • Transparency: Transparency is at the heart of our operations. We are committed to providing clear, honest, and accurate information to all stakeholders, fostering trust and accountability.
  • Community-Centric: We prioritize the well-being and development of the communities we serve. Our decisions and actions are guided by the best interests of the people and businesses we support.
  • Adaptability: We recognize the ever-changing nature of the financial landscape. We remain flexible and adaptable to evolving market conditions, ensuring our services remain relevant and impactful.

About Positiviti

Positiviti Lending was founded in 2018 to enable Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to thrive without outside assistance.

Positiviti Lending is a Micro Lending platform that makes it easy for lenders to earn 12% up to 36% annual returns on their lending. Micro loans are used to finance businesses and individuals in the developing world, providing much needed capital to those who need it most. Positiviti Lending platform provides a secure and transparent way for everyday lenders to access micro lending opportunities from around the globe. With low minimum lending amounts and quick payouts, you can easily start earning on your lending with minimal effort.

Our fast-growing client base is testimony to our success – we have grown significantly as measured by the size of the microloan portfolio, repayment rates, and many other metrics. Most importantly for borrowers: We provide a competitive low-interest product that can be processed within 48 hours of application, an opportunity not available elsewhere on the market today! With these advantages, it's no surprise why Positiviti has become such a popular choice among borrowers & lenders alike - helping people prosper all over their home countries.

Our microloan platform is committed to helping our lenders and borrowers achieve success. We provide the guidance, resources, and support needed for both parties to reach their goals confidently.

Start lending today and make an impact on the world through micro lending!

Why Choose Positiviti

With a near-perfect default rate, Positiviti Lending has become the microfinance vehicle of choice for individuals looking to achieve higher return rates. Positiviti also actively implements Know Your Customer parameters and utilizes its borrower assistance program to ensure borrowers remain low-risk. This allows Positiviti Lending to multiply exponentially, making the program an ideal choice.


Daily Micro-loans Disbursed

$40.0 MM

Loans Funded Monthly


Repayment Rate


Average Loan.
Minimum Loans is $3 USD


Borrowers are Women & young adults


Loans funded through Positiviti


Repayment rate

What Makes Us Different

Experience a World of Difference with Smart Lending

According to IFC 2020 data, Africa currently faces a $331 billion gap in commercial and industrial lending, resulting in an economic slowdown and widespread poverty. With our microloan platform, we provide everyday lenders with the opportunity to get increased returns on their hard-earned money while supporting and empowering those most in need.

Default Rate Less than 2.7%

Industry average is 3.5%

Field Agents Covering Kenya

200 Agents covering Rural Areas

Access to AFRESA Credit Union

68,000 Current Members

Designed for Everyone

You don’t have to be an accredited investor to participate.

Lender + Investment = Lendvestment

Start Earning 12% Today, up to 36%

Short Term Liquidity

Lendvestment will generate cash flow in 12 months

Positiviti Lending stands apart from their competitors in the Micro Lending Industry through its strong focus on risk management. Their 2.5% default rate proves their commitment to helping people borrow responsibly and minimizing risk. This is backed by an experienced management team, as well as extensive research into local market conditions which ensures that loans are made at appropriate levels of affordability.

In addition, Positiviti Lending has established a credit union AFRESA for borrowers in Nairobi and Kisumu which provides access to financial services for those who do not have access to traditional banks. They also employ over 200 field agents working in rural areas across Kenya who help identify suitable borrowers and assist in loan repayment collection. Through this combination of tools and resources, Positiviti Lending can provide an innovative and effective approach to micro lending. By ensuring that borrowers can access financial services responsibly and repay their loans at appropriate levels of affordability, Positiviti Lending has established itself as a leader in the micro lending industry.


Low Default Rate

The fact that Positiviti Lending has a 2.7% default rate vs the industry rate of 3.5%. This means that they have been able to manage risk effectively, which may give potential borrowers more confidence in their ability to repay the loan.


Presence in Rural Areas:

The fact that Positiviti Lending has over 200 field agents working in rural areas could make the company more accessible to people who live in these areas. This could be particularly important if other micro-lending companies do not have as strong a presence in rural areas.


Partnership with AFRESA Credit Union:

The fact that Positiviti Lending has a partnership with AFRESA Credit Union in Nairobi and Kisumu could give borrowers access to additional resources, such as financial education or other products and services offered by the credit union.


Individual Lenders:

Unlike some of its competitors, Positiviti Lending takes on individual lenders rather than venture capital investors or just accredited investors. This gives the company more control over its business strategy and may allow it to focus on long-term sustainability rather than short-term profit maximization.

Overall, Positiviti Lending appears to differentiate itself from competitors by focusing on risk management, extensive coverage in rural areas, individual lenders, and a local presence. These factors may help the company to build a strong reputation and grow its business over the long term.


Positiviti streamlines micro lending in Kenya through AFRECASH, a mobile app that directly offers borrowers low interest loans and flexible repayment schedules. Additionally, we leverage the USSD method, providing an alternative way for users to access our services without needing a smartphone or internet connection. This innovative financial solution ensures security and accessibility for all borrowers. For more information about Afrecash, please visit www.afrecash.com.


What is Micro Lending?

Micro-lending encompasses small-scale loans to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) entrepreneurs without a collateral requirement. These loans serve as a lifeline for individuals, whether providing day-to-day essentials or seeking to kick start or grow their ventures by promptly providing them with the necessary funds. Micro-lending facilitates economic empowerment and fosters entrepreneurship by bridging the gap between financial institutions and underserved communities. This approach helps individuals achieve sustainability and business goals. Ultimately, micro-lending contributes to socio-economic development by promoting financial inclusion and self-sustainability.

What is Positiviti Lending?

Positiviti empowers individuals to make a difference in underserved communities while building wealth. The idea of microloans may have once been reserved for only the ultra-rich, but now anyone can participate in this game-changing lending platform. Investing in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), entrepreneurs, and individuals in Kenya, we're helping these businesses and individuals thrive and invest in a brighter future for their communities. 

Join the movement towards positive change and financial growth with Positiviti Lending.

How are my lending Funds being used?

When you lend funds through Positiviti, your support extends beyond lending. Your funds are lent via micro-loans to assist numerous micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). These micro-loans support emerging markets and underserved enterprises, enabling them to take the next step toward financial success and contribute to ongoing community growth. This funding allows MSMEs in Kenya to expand their development and eventually will enable Positiviti to expand to other territories worldwide.

What makes Positiviti Lending different from their competitor's?

  • Low Default Rate: Positiviti Lending has a 2.7% default rate - a remarkable feat compared to the industry's 3.5%. Their ability to manage risks effectively means you can have confidence that our borrowers will repay the loans with accompanied interest.
  • Presence in Rural Areas: Positiviti Lending is bridging the gap between financial accessibility and rural communities with its impressive fleet of over 200 field agents. This innovative approach may be a game-changer, especially for those who live outside the city and struggle to access micro-lending services. Positiviti Lending is committed to empowering all individuals, and their efforts are making a real difference in the lives of countless rural families.
  • Partnership with AFRESA SACCO Credit Union: Positiviti Lending's collaboration with AFRESA SACCO Credit Union in Nairobi and Kisumu brings borrowers additional financial services. This partnership allows microloan-seekers to access more resources, including financial education and other products and services.
  • Individual Lenders: Unlike some competitors, Positiviti Lending primarily consists of individual lenders rather than accredited investors or venture capital firms. This innovative approach gives Positiviti sustainability while prioritizing long-term growth working with participating lenders. This gives the company more control over its business strategy and allows it to focus on long-term sustainability rather than short-term profit maximization.

Positiviti Lending stands out in the competitive world of microlending thanks to its forward-thinking approach. Unlike others in the industry, they prioritize risk management, offering peace of mind to lenders and borrowers alike. In addition, they have a remarkable presence in rural areas, which sets them apart from the city-centric competition. Positiviti also fosters a community-driven spirit by welcoming individual lenders who can contribute to the growth of local economies. This local focus positions Positiviti for long-term success and a reputation worthy of its name.

What's the default rate at Positiviti Lending?

The lending platform takes risk management seriously, we only lend to carefully selected borrowers. At Positiviti Lending, the default rate is less than 2.7%! That's impressive when compared to the industry average of 3.5%. This ensures that a borrower's chances of defaulting on their loan are next to none.

Are the Lenders at Positiviti Lending insured when Lending funds for Micro Loans?

Micro-lending platforms are not FDIC insured, as they are not traditional banks. It is important to note that lending funds for microloans, or any investment, comes with risks, and there is no guarantee of returns or protection against losses.

Regarding guarantees, financial advisors typically do not guarantee investment returns. Instead, they provide advice and recommendations based on their professional expertise and the investor's financial goals and risk tolerance. It is essential to carefully evaluate the risks and potential returns associated with any lending opportunity, including microloans, and consult with a financial professional before making lending decisions.

There's no way to guarantee returns, nor can you fully protect against losses. But, with the right strategy, lending for microloans can be a smart way to diversify your portfolio.

Are initial Lending Funds at Positiviti Lending a charitable write-off?

Positiviti Lending cannot provide tax or legal advice. However, lending funds made in micro-lending platforms like Positiviti Lending are not considered charitable donations and cannot be written off as such.

Positiviti Lending is a lending opportunity, and lenders lend funds with the expectation of receiving a return on their lending. Lenders will be taxed on the interest they withdraw from their account in a calendar year. The tax implications of lending funds in Positiviti Lending or any other investment opportunity will depend on various factors, including the jurisdiction where the lender resides and the specific tax laws that apply. It is always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or financial advisor before making lending decisions.

What is the process of running credit checks on borrowers in Kenya?

Positiviti Lending uses the services of Metropol Corporation in Nairobi for all credit checks.

Metropol Corporation is a credit reference bureau that provides credit information and ratings to financial institutions, including micro-lending platforms like Positiviti Lending through the Afrecash app. By working with Metropol Corporation, the Afrecash app can access credit reports and scores for potential borrowers, which can help provide lending decisions and reduce the risk of defaults.

In addition to utilizing credit reference bureaus like Metropol Corporation, Positiviti Lending will use mobile phone technology to study the habits of potential borrowers. This could involve analyzing data on mobile phone usage patterns, such as call and text frequency and the types of apps used, to assess a borrower's creditworthiness.

Overall, Positiviti Lending is likely to have a robust credit assessment process that incorporates multiple sources of information to make informed lending decisions and minimize the risk of defaults.

Why did Positiviti Lending choose Kenya to conduct their Micro Lending business?

Kenya has a well-developed microfinance sector, with many microfinance institutions operating in the country. The Kenyan government supports the industry, which has implemented policies to encourage financial inclusion and support the growth of the microfinance industry. 

Additionally, Kenya has a large population of unbanked or underbanked individuals who may not have access to traditional banking services but could benefit from microfinance.

In recent years, Kenya has also seen significant growth in mobile money services, such as M-Pesa, making it easier for people to access financial services, even in remote areas. This has created an environment where microfinance companies can use mobile technology to reach a wider audience and provide financial services more efficiently.

Overall, a supportive regulatory environment, a large unbanked population, and a well-developed mobile money ecosystem make Kenya an attractive market for micro-lending companies like Positiviti Lending.

Are there plans for Positiviti Lending to expand outside of Kenya?

It's common for microfinance institutions to expand to other countries or regions as they grow and develop.

Positiviti Lending is successful in Kenya, and there are plans to expand to other countries where microfinance is needed and where they can apply their experience and expertise.

Whether Positiviti Lending expands to other countries in the near future will ultimately depend on various factors, including its strategic goals, available resources, and market opportunities.

What was the lowest interest rate earned by lenders in the calendar year 2023?

It's worth noting that interest rates can vary based on several factors, including the borrower's creditworthiness, the length of the loan term, and the prevailing market conditions.

Microfinance institutions like Positiviti Lending aim to provide affordable credit to underserved or underbanked communities while maintaining sustainable operations. This means that they need to balance the interests of both borrowers and lenders and set interest rates that are fair to both parties.

At Positiviti Lending, the lowest interest earned in 2023 was 12%.

What is the gap in capital for borrowers in Kenya?

It is worth noting that there needs to be more access to credit for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), entrepreneurs, and individuals in Kenya, which presents an opportunity for micro-lending institutions to provide much-needed capital.

According to a 2020 report by the Central Bank of Kenya, only 20% of MSMEs have access to formal credit, while the remaining 80% rely on informal sources such as family and friends or savings. This credit access gap is partly due to the perceived risk associated with lending to MSMEs, which can be seen as less creditworthy than larger, more established businesses.

However, microfinance institutions like Positiviti Lending specialize in providing credit to underserved and underbanked marginalized communities, including MSMEs. By using innovative micro-lending models and leveraging technology to reduce operational costs, micro-lending institutions can provide affordable credit to MSMEs and other borrowers who might not otherwise have access to formal credit channels.

Overall, the demand for capital in Kenya's micro-lending industry is likely to remain strong as more and more MSMEs seek funding to start or grow their businesses.

Will the lender receive a 1099 Form at the end of the year?

Disclaimer: Interest Income Reporting for Positiviti Lending

At Positiviti Lending, we aim to provide transparent and accurate information to our valued Lender Members regarding interest income and reporting requirements. It is important to note that interest funds will be considered as interest income only when they are issued or withdrawn from your account. In such cases, the recipient will receive a Form 1099-INT, which is required to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as per IRS regulations.

As stated on the IRS website:

"The payer must furnish Form 1099-INT, Interest Income, to the recipients of interest payments made in the course of the payer's trade or business. **For interest on a deposit, accrued interest is not reportable until it is actually or constructively received**,and a financial institution is not required to file Form 1099-INT on amounts of less than $10 for a calendar year unless requested to do so by the recipient."

It is crucial for our customers to be aware of these IRS guidelines to fulfill their tax obligations accurately. As tax laws and regulations may change over time, we recommend consulting with a qualified tax professional for up-to-date and personalized tax advice.

Please be advised that this disclaimer is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Positiviti Lending is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or misinterpretations of tax laws or regulations made by individuals or entities using this information. For specific questions regarding your tax situation, please consult with a qualified tax advisor or visit the official IRS website.

How does Positiviti Lending ensure compliance with Anti-Money Laundering(AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations for its microlenders in North America?

At Positiviti Lending, we take AML and KYC compliance very seriously. To ensure the safety and security of our microloan platform and to satisfy regulatory requirements, we have partnered with Comply Advantage, a leading AML and KYC solution provider. This partnership allows us to thoroughly vet and verify all lenders in North America who participate in our platform. We prioritize the highest standards of due diligence to prevent money laundering, fraud, and other illicit activities. Our commitment to AML and KYC compliance not only safeguards our platform but also ensures that our microloan services in Kenya operate with integrity and trustworthiness. Your financial security is our top priority.

How does Positiviti Lending ensure compliance with Anti-Money Laundering(AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations for its Borrowers in Kenya?

Safaricom's MPESA is a digital banking service in Kenya, that employs Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) measures to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to prevent illicit activities such as money laundering, terrorism financing, and fraud. 

Here'show MPESA uses AML and KYC: 

1. Anti-Money Laundering (AML):

  • Transaction Monitoring: MPESA employs advanced transaction monitoring systems to scrutinize customer transactions for any patterns or behaviors that could indicate money laundering. Unusual or suspicious transactions trigger alerts for further investigation.
  • Reporting: MPESA has mechanisms in place to report suspicious transactions and activities to the Financial Reporting Centre (FRC) of Kenya, as required by the AML laws and regulations.
  • Staff Training: MPESA provides comprehensive training to its employees to enhance their understanding of AML regulations, suspicious transaction indicators, and reporting obligations. This helps them identify and report potential money laundering activities.
  • Compliance Framework: MPESA has established internal policies, procedures, and controls to ensure compliance with AML regulations. This includes regular audits and assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of their AML program. 

2. Know Your Customer (KYC):

  • Identification: MPESA requires customers to provide valid identification documents during the registration process. This includes a national identification card, passport, or other government-issued identification.
  • Address Verification: Customers are also required to provide proof of address, such as utility bills or bank statements, to verify their residential address.
  • Customer Due Diligence (CDD): MPESA conducts customer due diligence by collecting additional information about customers, such as their occupation, source of funds, and expected transaction volumes. This helps assess the legitimacy of their financial activities.
  • Risk Categorization: MPESA assigns risk categories to customers based on factors such as transaction volumes, business activities, and reputation. Higher-risk customers undergo enhanced due diligence procedures.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: MPESA continuously monitors customer transactions to detect any suspicious activities, changes in transaction patterns, or potential risk indicators. 

By implementing these measures, MPESA aims to protect its platform from being misused for illegal purposes and maintains compliance with anti-money laundering and customer identification regulations set by the Central Bank of Kenya and other relevant authorities. This means all companies using MPESA are screened as well as borrowers that are downloading microloan apps in Kenya.

Client Testimonials

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